Day 13: Swap Out Items that Have Seen Enough Action

Remaining on the decluttering train... todays resolution is to swap out items that have seen enough action. I don't know who needs this reminder... but not everything will last forever. Sometimes we use things on a daily basis and the odds of them lasting for a very long time are low simply because of all of the use they get. What you may not realize is that often times these things that are worn out or overused can often make our spaces look a bit tired. 

Swapping out some of these overused pieces can actually make a bigger difference in your space than you may think!  

Some items that may need swapping: 

- Dish Towels

- Bath Towels 

- Smaller Area Rugs 

- Kitchen utensils (especially the ones you display on the counter) 

- Bedding 

- Throw Pillows 

"31 Days of Loving Our Homes" is all about making small adjustments in our spaces that we may not often think to make but that will result in noticeable change! Swapping out items that are overused may seem obvious but I myself know that some of the items above could use some changing in my home... Choose a couple items from the list above and swap them out to see how you feel about your space afterwards!  

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